View source: Template

The HTML for this page is generated by the template microsite.php.

All templates can be found in the /site/templates folder.

To learn more about Kirby’s templates, please check out our docs:

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<?php snippet('microsite/header') ?>

<?php foreach ($page->modules()->toLayouts() as $layout): ?>
<section class="section grid" style="--gutter: 1.5rem" id="<?= esc($layout->id(), 'attr') ?>">
	<?php foreach ($layout->columns() as $column): ?>
	<div class="column" style="--columns: <?= esc($column->span(), 'css') ?>">
		<div class="blocks text">
			<?= $column->blocks() ?>
	<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

<?php snippet('microsite/footer') ?>